Friday, April 1, 2011

Magma - Earthborn pics - attempt 2!

I have high hopes for these pics showing up properly.

Magma - Earthborn Dire Troll edition

Picture malfunction! I'll attempt to spruce this up tonight.

This is a larger scale test of the magma scheme that was used on doomshaper and runeshaper #1. The plan is to get a little more practice in with the colors, and paint up mulg the ancient for the kublacon painting competition. I really like how the front right shoulder area turned out. It's just neon enough to seem hot. The face needs some work, but I'm calling it done on this one. I have a pyre troll next up in the queue to practice on.

In addition to the work already done, it need some basing work, but that will mostly consist of random rocks in the outer yellow area.