I had originally planned on entering all of the painting competition categories, but at this point I think I'll be lucky to get Mulg completed on time. Kublacon has both a podium and open category for models. The podium is the traditional ranked system, while open ranks models on their own merits. I've entered the painting competition for several years with no expectation of winning since I know several of the local folk are pro painters. The switch last year to open juding resulted in my deathjack getting a silver, and it has me much more excited at the prospect of getting models in the case.
The main scheduling problem is that trolls have moved from a side faction into the one I want to play for most of the tournaments for kublacon weekend. pDoomshaper is a blast to play, and there is some satisfaction in rolling folk with the "worst" troll caster. His tier list is even magical in the right situations. As a result, I have a mountain of metal to assemble in the next two weeks to have some variety at the 50 point level (pyre troll, burrowers, bomber, runekeeper). In addition I was hopeing to get paint on my 2nd runeshaper squad. All in all, it's going to be busy for the next two weeks.
Mulg is still in progress. The only area even close to final is the back of the upper torso and shoulders. Colors went a little weird on these pictures, but it's fairly close to the actual model.
I've seen several good janissa conversions using the runeshaper commander's rock column. I no longer have the links for them, but I've seen one or two on the privateer forums, and most recently one at the LGS.
To hit this shape I had to break the column in one spot and model two extra fake rocks at the joint. Originally this was going to be a painting competition entry, but due to lack of time, I'll be lucky to get it primed in the next week.