Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mr. Doomshaper, Wizard

Sometimes the simple conversions are the good conversions. Doomshaper comes with a scroll, that for the most part, seems to either be omitted from the model or placed on the ground.

The only modification I've done to doomshaper is to set the scroll in a flying position roughly parallel to his arms. From the front the pin is concealed behind the scroll. From a normal in game player perspective, the pin blends into the base from the left side and the top down view. The back view doesn't work at all, but I'll take it over a mighty wizard reading a scroll off the ground.

As far as painting goes, I did most of the work before runeshaper #1. This was a test of the magma scheme on a normal trollkin model.

Magic Trick

Trick revealed!


Anonymous said...

I really like that. Bases that add a little character to your minis, especially the casters or locks, are a big plus to me. Keep up the good work!

Shelexie said...

I really like the magma theme you have going and the flying scroll looks great! Keep up the good work. (I found your site form a link from Broken Zealot's site)